The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Summer Fair - Saturday 10th September 2011
Anglo-Ethiopian Society Summer Fair
Given by - AES
Reviewed by - Anne Parsons
The Society held a new type of event this year - a Summer Fair. Stall holders arrived early to set up before opening time, but in fairly typical Ethiopian fashion the start was quite chaotic. The Rev Melanie Toogood, who had very kindly provided her church for our use, was out of the UK and the key holder, who was not in London, had thought we had our own keys! So we pitched stalls as best we could in the car park whilst a church warden was located and we could go inside. Luckily it was a warm and sunny afternoon. Several independent charities promoted their work and sold gift items; authors did story telling for children; and there were displays of traditional Ethiopian paintings and embroidered dresses from Aksum as well as Ethiopian food for sale. Although plenty for us organisers to learn and consider for any future similar event, everyone seemed to have a good time once we got settled and new friendships were established.