The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Exhibition - The Burial of Emperor Haile Selassie: Photographs by Peter Marlow

From Thursday 22nd April 2010 to Sunday 21st November 2010

Exhibition held at the Pitt Rivers Museum, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PP.

10.00am - 16.30pm Tuesday to Sunday (and bank holiday Mondays), 12.00am - 16.30pm Mondays.

When Emperor Haile Selassie was finally buried in Addis Ababa in 2000, twenty-five years after his death, only a few European journalists and reporters were there to witness it. Renowned Magnum photographer Peter Marlow was one of them. The 21 photographs in this exhibition document an extraordinary event and its colourful participants, from former soldiers to priests and dignitaries of the Eastern Orthodox Church, dressed in bright robes.

More information can be found on the Pitt Rivers Museum website.

First Published in News File Spring 2010

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