The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Ethiopian Study Visit - Horniman Museum, London

organised by Gill Davies

Saturday 6th November 2010

2.30pm, Horniman Museum and Gardens, 100 London Road, London SE23 3PQ

An opportunity to view items relating to Ethiopia that are not normally on display to the general public.

Wayne Modest, Keeper of Anthropology, will introduce the Horniman’s African Worlds Gallery, briefly explaining its development and the main themes that the gallery addresses.

Special attention will be given to the objects from Ethiopia on display in the gallery and this will be followed with a discussion of the Ethiopian collections of the museum, utilising objects that are currently in storage. The talk will end with a brief exploration of the global influence of (the material culture of) Ethiopia addressing religious/social movements such as Ethiopianism and Rastafari.

There will be a charge of £5 for this study visit. The closing date for applications to join the visit is Saturday 30 October.

Make all cheques payable to The Anglo-Ethiopian Society and send, with your contact details, to:

Anglo-Ethiopian Society
36 Florence Road
London SE14 6TW

Please email if you require any further details.

For more details of the Horniman Museum and for details of how to get there see the Horniman Museum website

Neither the Anglo-Ethiopian Society, nor any of the organisers of these visits, can be held responsible for any changes which might arise in connection with the venue, date or content of the event.

First Published in News File Summer 2010

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Information is offered in good faith but the Society does not warrant the status or reliability of the information contained.

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