The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - The work of the Afar Rift Consortium

Dr Tim Wright

Tuesday 25th September 2012

Joint meeting of the Society with the Huddersfield and Halifax Branch of the Geographical Association

7:15pm, Canalside West lecture theatre, University of Huddersfield, Firth St, Huddersfield HD1 3DH - Public lecture (all welcome)

Dr Tim Wright, based at the University of Leeds, is principal investigator of the Afar Rift Consortium (, a project funded by the UK Natural Environment Research Council (NERC). The consortium is made up of scientists from the Universities of Leeds, Bristol, Oxford, Edinburgh, and Cambridge, and the British Geological Survey, with partners in Ethiopia, France and the US. The aim of the Consortium is to find out how continents split apart and what the role of magma is in that process. Tim gave a lecture to the Society in London in January 2011 and a report is on our website.

First Published in News File Spring 2012

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