The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Ethiopian Study Visit - Ethiopian Costumes and Textiles, Blythe House

Helen Wolf

Wednesday 3rd October 2012

British Museum Textile Centre, Blythe House, 23 Blythe Road, Olympia, London W14 0QX, UK. Meet outside Blythe House at 1.45pm for a 2.00pm start.

Helen Wolf, Textile Collections Manager at the British Museum, has kindly agreed to host a study visit to see some of Ethiopian clothing and textiles owned by the Museum.

A representative selection of the holdings will be on display — both historical and modern clothes as well as items brought back to England by Captain Speedy and others returning from the Magdala campaign, including a royal tent made from silk damask.

Free of charge. Maximum 20 people.

To reserve a place on these visits, please send an email to the organisers.
Confirmation, with location and time for meeting, will be sent by return.

Neither the Anglo-Ethiopian Society, nor any of the organisers of these visits, can be held responsible for any changes which might arise in connection with the venue, date or content of the event.

First Published in News File Spring 2012

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