The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Club - Beneath the Lion's Gaze

Maaza Mengiste

Tuesday 20th August 2013

7:00pm, National Theatre, Upper Ground, South Bank, London SE1 9PX - all welcome

The Society’s book club will discuss Maaza Mengiste’s Beneath the Lion’s Gaze. Maaza Mengiste is an Ethiopian-American writer. She was born in Addis Ababa, and lived in Nigeria and Kenya before settling in the United States

The novel is a story of an Ethiopian family and opens in 1974 during the last days of Emperor Haile Selassie’s rule before continuing the family’s life under the Derg. Beneath the Lion’s Gaze is available in paperback and in Kindle formats. We will meet in The Long Bar on the ground floor of the National Theatre.

If you would like to attend, or want further information, please email the Book Club

First Published in News File Summer 2013

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