The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Club - Queen of Flowers and Pearls

Gabriella Ghermandi

Tuesday 17th October 2017

7:30pm, National Theatre, Upper Ground, South Bank, London SE1 9PX - all welcome

The Society's book club will discuss Queen of Flowers and Pearls by Gabriella Ghermandi.

A World Literature Today notable translation of 2015.

Mahlet, a young Ethiopian girl with a gift for storytelling, has a special bond with Yacob, the oldest in her household. When Yacob tells her stories of how he and the other warriors fought in the resistance against the Italian occupation of Ethiopia, Mahlet vows to become the keeper and teller of her family’s stories. From the time of Menelik to the present, Mahlet's long voyage through time and space links thousands of stories between Africa and Europe. Intensely personal, this powerful and beautifully narrated novel tells the story of the Italian occupation of Ethiopia as well as of others around the globe who have suffered under colonialism or have been forcibly exiled from their homelands.

Queen of Flowers and Pearls is available as a harback (ISBN 9780253015464) or as a paperback (ISBN 9780253015471).

We will meet in The Long Bar on the ground floor of the National Theatre.

If you would like to attend, or want further information, please email the Book Club.

Queen of Flowers and Pearls by Gabriella Ghermandi.
Publisher: Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2015.
Paperback: ISBN:9780253015471
Price: $22.00

First Published in News File Summer 2017

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