The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Club - The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia

Samuel Johnson

Tuesday 29th January 2019

7:30pm, National Theatre, Upper Ground, South Bank, London SE1 9PX - all welcome

The Society's book club will discuss the classic The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia by Samuel Johnson.

First published in 1759, and considered to be an allegorical story about happiness, it centres on Rasselas' escape from Abyssinia and his journeys to Egypt before he realises the futility of the search and returns to his homeland after none of his hopes for happiness are achieved.

Rasselas is available in a variety of formats from different publishers including in hardback, and paperback as well as in Kindle and Audio formats. It can also be downloaded free from sites such as or

We will meet in The Long Bar on the ground floor of the National Theatre.

If you would like to attend, or want further information, please email the Book Club.

The History of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia by Samuel Johnson.

First Published in News File Summer 2018

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