The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Club - Accidental Patriot - A Diplomat's Journey in Africa Rediscovering America

Kirsten Bauman

Tuesday 16th April 2019

7:30pm, National Theatre, Upper Ground, South Bank, London SE1 9PX - all welcome

The Society’s book club will discuss Kirsten Bauman’s Accidental Patriot - A Diplomat's Journey in Africa Rediscovering America.

Kirsten Bauman joined the U.S. Department of State in 2000 and has served as a U.S. Diplomat in France; Greece, South Korea, and Ethiopia. Accidental Patriot recounts the author’s 3 years in Ethiopia - living, working, and raising her two toddler daughters.

Accidental Patriot is available in paperback format (ISBN 9781494489304) as well as in Kindle format.

We will meet in The Long Bar on the ground floor of the National Theatre.

If you would like to attend, or want further information, please email the Book Club.

Accidental Patriot - A Diplomat's Journey in Africa Rediscovering America by Kirsten Bauman.
Publisher : CreateSpace
ISBN : 9781494489304

First Published in News File Winter 2018

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