The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Ethiopian Showcase - RGS-IBG Collections Showcase

Friday 16th October 2009

2:30 to 4:00pm, Royal Geographical Society, 1 Kensington Gore, London SW7 2AR

An opportunity to view items relating to Ethiopia that are not normally on display to the general public.

The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) has over 2 million items in its Collections which have designated status as a UK Collection of National Importance.

Whether for personal or academic research, pre-travel planning or simply for pleasure, the Society’s Collections together illustrate the world’s people and places, the history of exploration and the development of geography as a discipline.

On 16 October, the Royal Geographical Society is holding an afternoon showcase focusing on a display of rare books, maps, photographs and artefacts relating to the geography of Ethiopia, in the Society’s Foyle Reading Room. The display will include many items unique to the RGS.

Places are limited to a maximum of 30 people. If you would like to book a ticket, the cost (including refreshments) is £5.00 per person for non-members and free for Fellows and Members of the RGS.

To book, please contact Julie Cole on 020 7591 3044 or e-mail to reserve a place.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society member Leila Ingrams would like to record her sincere thanks not only to Julie Cole but also to the other staff at the Royal Geographical Society: The Head of Enterprise and Resources; the Foyle Reading Room: Librarians, Archivists; Map Librarians; Picture Librarians and so many others for their friendly and marvellous support.

First Published in News File Summer 2009

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