The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Review - Ethiopia - Culture Smart

Sarah Howard

Reviewer - Anne Parsons

The stated aim of the Culture Smart! series of guidebooks is to provide essential information on attitudes, beliefs, and behaviour in different countries, ensuring that the traveller arrives at his/her destination aware of basic manners, common courtesies, and sensitive issues. Contents include: customs, values, and traditions; historical, religious, and political background; life at home; leisure, social, and cultural life; eating and drinking; do's, don'ts, as well as taboos; and business practices.

Sarah Howard, the author of the Ethiopia volume, has spent several years in the country and is a botanical artist who helped illustrate the seminal Flora of Ethiopia and Eritrea. She evokes the spirit of Ethiopia very well. It should be noted that this small pocketbook is not a substitute for comprehensive travel guide books; but, read as a companion volume, it will provide much useful background for the novice traveller to Ethiopia. Those readers already familiar with the country and her peoples will be, I'm sure, reminded very fondly of their time there.

Ethiopia - Culture Smart! book cover

Ethiopia - Culture Smart!
Sarah Howard
London: Kuperard, 2009
ISBN 9781857334944
Paperback 168 pages; 170 x 115mm
Price £6.95

First Published in News File Summer 2014

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