The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Exhibition - Double Take Photography Exhibition

From Wednesday 1st September 2010 to Thursday 30th September 2010

Exhibition held at the Futures Gallery, Pierhead Building, Cardiff, South Glamorgan CF10 4PZ.
Monday - Saturday 10.30am - 16.30pm. Admission Free

A unique photography exhibition titled ‘Double Take’ opened on the 1st September at the historic Pierhead buidling in Cardiff Bay, showing differences, but more importantly, the similarities between Wales and Ethiopia. The exhibition shows photographs taken by people from both the Addis Ababa and Betws communities. The participants were each given 12 themes to work around. The result is an exceptional insight into the lives of the two communities.

Photographers from Addis Ababa and Betws will be coming together for the first time to celebrate their work and share their stories. The project is a creative collaboration between Valley and Vale Community Arts and The Ethiopian Gemini Trust, described by Kofi Annan, former UN Secretary General, as “an inspiration for civil societies around the world”. The Gemini Trust works in Ethiopia to support families with twins and is currently helping 12,000 people.

The work is part of an ongoing community link between Betws and Addis Ababa, that strives to support vulnerable people is both communities. It is part of the Wales Africa Community Links programme that supports over 120 communities across Wales and Sub-Saharan Africa who are working together to reduce poverty.

The project has given community members a chance to explore and express how they see their communities.

This is a photography exhibition which has been planned to coincide with the Ethiopian New Year in September and is part of the organisation's Wales in Africa project. This exhibition will also be touring across Wales and beyond in the future.

More information can be found on the Valley and Vale Community Arts website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Sep-10

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