The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Film - LIDF - An Evening of UK shorts Part 2 - Including Everyday but Sunday

Wednesday 5th May 2010

The Horse Hospital, 30 Colonnade, London WC1N 1HX

8.00pm, Tickets £7.50.

An Evening of UK Shorts: Part 2

Including the following films:
Credit Crunch (Purses and Wallets) - Run Time : 5 mins
Everyday But Sunday - Run Time : 17 mins
The Ferryman - Run Time : 23 mins
Manju - Run Time : 25 mins
The Devil's Footprints - Run Time : 13 mins

Everyday But Sunday was filmed in Ethiopia and is the story of a twelve year old girl, Hiwot Beyenne, who dreams of becoming a doctor. She lives in a small village with her parents and brothers in a two room hut. Every morning she walks for one and a half hours to school to learn about farming, hygiene and health. After school, Hiwot spends her time on household chores until the evening, when she steals an hour to do her homework.

Director: Rosa Russo, Cinematographer: Ezana Alemu, Composer: Andrew M. Morgan, Film Editor: Corrado Marengo, Producers: Stella Papadopoulou and Rosa Russo.

More information can be found on the London International Documentary Festival website.

Download the full London International Documentary Festival Programme.

Visit the film maker's website where you can find a little more information and see clips from the film.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Apr-10

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