The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Launch - Finding the Unexpected

Babush Tesfay

Friday 15th October 2010

Friends House, 10 Cedar Road, Sutton, SM2 5DA

7.30pm, Free event but booking required.

In the latest book from Our Lives Press, Babush describes his childhood in Ethiopia, his contact with Cuban soldiers and his journey to Eritrea where he met an English girl who was to become his wife. Forced to escape to Sudan and from there to Kenya, he finally came to London where he now lives with his wife and two children.

The price of Finding the Unexpected is £4.00.

Come to the book launch on 15 October and hear from Babush about his life, meet and talk with other authors from Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh and the Congo, and hear from members of Our Lives Press about how they started and how they support the authors.

You will need to reserve your seat at the book launch (places will be limited). Details on how to do this are on the attached flyer.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Oct-10

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