The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Film - LIDF - Working with Water - Water Aid and Ecover film on their work in Ethiopia
Saturday 8th May 2010
Stevenson Lecture Theatre, British Museum, Great Russell Street, London WC1B 3DG
5:30pm to 6:00pm, Book by telephoning the British Museum Box Office, 0207 323 8181
Working with Water is a 15 minute documentary made by Ecover and WaterAid about their work in rural Ethiopia. During their initial visit to Ethiopia in 2008 WaterAid and Ecover documented the state in which many parts of the Hintalo-Wajarat region of Ethiopia found themselves as well as some of positive changes the funding of various projects can bring.
The event will be followed by a Q&A and drinks reception!
More information can be found on the London International Documentary Festival website.
Download the full London International Documentary Festival Programme.
A DVD of the film can be obtained by requesting a Watercare Pack from