The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Launch - Ethiopia: The Last Two Frontiers

John Markakis

Thursday 1st December 2011

5-7 pm, Room B102 (Brunei Building), SOAS, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG - Book launch and debate

John Markakis will present the arguments of the book, followed by a debate chaired by Laura Hammond (SOAS) and Professor Gaim Kibreab (South Bank University)

John Markakis is a political historian who for much of his professional life has studied Ethiopia and its neighbours in the Horn of Africa, publishing several seminal books and many articles over a long career.

Ethiopia: The Last Two Frontiers analyses the efforts of successive Ethiopian leaders to integrate a multicultural empire into a modern nation state, suggesting the descendants of the people subjugated by the empire builders remain excluded from power, breeding political instability and violent conflict. He focuses in particular on the arid lowlands on the margins of the state, where the process of integration has not yet reached, and where resistance to it is greatest.

More details and contents can be found on the James Curry website or in the Anglo-Ethiopian Society Winter 2011 News File.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Nov-11

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