The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Weekend Festival - Ethiopian Sports and Culture Festival

organised by ESCF

From Saturday 7th July 2012 to Sunday 8th July 2012

The Ethiopian Sports and Culture Federation in the UK send out an invitation to all Ethiopians, Friends of Ethiopia and whoever wants to join them to celebrate the Annual Ethiopian Sports and Culture Festival on 7-8 July 2012, from 11.00am to 9.00pm. Entrance fee £3, giving a chance to win a return flight ticket to Addis (all taxes paid), with children under 12 free.

Have a Family Day out in a lively and fun atmosphere!

The ESCF aims to:

Activities planned:

More information can be found on the ESCF website.

The event is being held at Barnet FC's Underhill Stadium, High Barnet, EN5 2BE

The nearest tube station is High Barnet, on the Northern Line, which is a 5 minute walk from the ground. The nearest overland train station is New Barnet, a 15 minute walk from Underhill.

If you need to get a bus to the Barnet Football ground, then the following buses go very near it - 34, 84, 107, 234, 263, 307, 326, 384, 626 and 634. Get off when you see "The Odeon" cinema and the "Queens Arms" pub, next to it.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jun-12

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