The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Film - Picha House presents Cinema Lalibela

From Thursday 1st November 2012 to Sunday 11th November 2012

Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA

From 10.00am to close every day, Free entry.

The Royal African Society and SOAS present Film Africa 2012

Film Africa, the UK’s largest annual festival of African cinema and culture, is back in November 2012 with 10 days of 70 amazing African films, 35 leading filmmakers offering Q&As, free professional workshops, and 9 African music nights.

Inspired by the many spaces that exist in Africa beyond traditional cinemas, Film Africa 2012 is inviting you to experience film in an alternative way, as the lower gallery of the Rich Mix is transformed into an experiential cinematic installation, exploring themes of domesticity and the interaction of human form, cinema and fabric.

At the Picha House, you will be entertained by the first ever pidgin musical, experience striking, thought-provoking and experimental short films, be challenged to take a stand in reclaiming public art spaces, discuss the importance of film for democracy, and open yourself to different ways of thinking about love in Africa.

This is your space for the week. Come watch a film for free, or simply drop in and be transported through sound and image.

Picha House will remain open outside of screening times as a sound and image installation showcasing film and photographs.

The Lalibela Cinema Design Collective was founded in 2009 by Andrew Tam, Helen Evans, Sanaa Shaikh and Jean-Francois C.Lemay, during their studies at the Architectural Association. The LCDC brought a custom-designed mobile cinema to the town of Lalibela in Northern Ethiopia in December 2008. The LCDC are fundraising to continue the festival there and build a permanent community centre for the people of Lalibela.

Ranti Bamgbala (MA Art, Design and Visual Culture) is a London-based ceramicist whose work explores a dialogue between the known and the experienced.

Designed by the Lalibela Cinema Design Collective and Ranti Bamgbala.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Oct-12

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