The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - Africa Utopia at the Southbank - Nollywood or Bust: Africa at the movies

Saturday 21st July 2012

As part of the Southbank's Africa Utopia Festival there is a free talk on Saturday 21 July about African Cinema.

Nollywood or Bust: Africa at the movies will take place at the Front Room at the Queen Elizabeth Hall from 11am.

Join editor of African Screens and TV director of the Nollywood movie awards Don Omope,
David Somerset, curator of the BFI's African Odyssey season,
co-producer of 'Town of Runners' Daniel Demissie,
film writer for 'Africa is A Country' Basia L Cummings and
film maker Sheila Nortley as they discuss the future of African cinema.

No ticket required - just turn up and enjoy!

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jun-12

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