The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Charity Event - Great Ethiopian Run 2015 Hamlin Fistula Fundraiser Launch

Hamlin Fistula UK

Tuesday 2nd December 2014

7:00pm, Marathon Restaurant, 193a Caledonian Road, London N1 0SL

Ethiopian Run for Hamlin Fistula UK

Meet up at around 7.00pm at the aptly named Marathon restaurant, buy yourself a drink and then listen to Sarah Hamlin talk about her plans to enter a team of runners in the 2015 Great Ethiopian Run to raise money for Hamlin Fistula UK (HFUK). Join Sarah and friends for an Ethiopian meal and a chat about the charity and all things Ethiopian.

Hamlin Fistula UK (HFUK) is a charity exclusively supporting the Hamlin Fistula hospital in Ethiopia, which was founded by her grandparents in 1974. Sarah is looking for twelve participants from across the UK who are able to commit their time and energy to each fundraise £2,500 for HFUK during 2015. At the end of the year they will take part in an organised trip to Ethiopia during which they will witness the work of the hospital first-hand and take part in the 10km Great Ethiopian Run, Africa's biggest road race.

Sarah is very proud of her grandparents' legacy and feels privileged to be able to contribute to its on-going work. Sarah says: "For my siblings and I, childhood visits to our grandparents in Ethiopia were the most exciting holidays we could imagine. I'm thrilled to be able to offer an opportunity for both long-term and new supporters of HFUK to discover this wonderful country. It's my hope that this event will increase UK awareness and support for Hamlin Fistula and for the thousands of Ethiopian women they treat every year. These women suffer terribly from an easily preventable condition - one that we never hear of here in the UK because it is so rare. They need people to share their stories and to help end fistula for good."

To join Sarah for the trip of a lifetime, read the Great Ethiopian Run Leaflet and then download an application form.

For further information on the launch evening at the Marathon Restaurant and to reserve a place please email Sarah Hamlin

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Nov-14

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