The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Conference - International Knowledge Exchange Conference

organised by G-KEN in collaboration with SCIEH

From Saturday 6th December 2014 to Sunday 7th December 2014

The 4th International Multidisciplinary Knowledge Exchange Conference will be taking place on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 December at Queen Mary University of London, Institute of Dentistry, Garrod Building Turner Street, London, E1 2AD. After three successful conferences, come to an exciting fourth Knowledge Exchange Conference which has the theme 'Exploring the role of Education or Health nodes in Creating a Sustainable Future'.

This year's conference is organised by Global Knowledge Exchange Network (G-KEN) in collaboration with Satellite Connections in Education and Health (SCIEH). The aim of the conference is to strengthen academic links support, mentoring of colleagues and facilitating knowledge communication between those abroad and across Africa. In addition innovative programmes run in African countries will be showcased for generalizability.

Some key themes for the conference are:

For more details please email GKEN.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Sep-14

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