The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Africa Business Group Meeting - Cutting Edge Community Based Tourism in East Africa

Monday 3rd November 2014

Dr Mulugeta Feseha (Addis Ababa University) & Professor Tom Selwyn (SOAS)

5:30pm, Khalili Lecture Theatre, SOAS Main Building, Thornhaugh Street, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG

All welcome, no charge to attend.

Building on a decade of cooperative academic research and partnership between Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia and the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, the Africa Business Group, SOAS and Cutting Edge Tourism will host an event on November 3rd, 2014 celebrating new routes and opportunities for tourism in Ethiopia. Rich cultural, historical and physical landscapes suggest limitless tourism potential for Ethiopia and this meeting will reiterate existing offerings and suggest new strategy for tourism development throughout the country and the region.

Dr. Mulugeta Feseha and Professor Tom Selwyn will co-headline the panel of 6 speakers and will be addressing an audience of academics, tourism professionals and distinguished guests. Following the presentations a reception will be held to promote the networking of attendees, presenters, tour operators and those interested in becoming more involved with tourism development in Ethiopia.

More details on how to register for the workshop can be found on the SOAS website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Aug-14

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