The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Film - Crumbs + Q&A

producer/director/writer Miguel Llansó

Friday 10th July 2015

Hackney Picturehouse, 270 Mare Street, London, E8 1HE
Crumbs + Q&A wth Miguel Llansó
Categories: Best Film Competition
9:00pm, Tickets £11.60, Concessions £10.60.

The story is set against the background of spectacular post-apocalyptic Ethiopian landscapes, where our diminutive superhero Gagano - on the one hand gripped by daydreams and on the other by constant fears - has had enough of collecting the valuable crumbs of decayed civilisation, the valuable high points of which are merchandise from Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan. When a spaceship that has been hovering high in the sky for years starts showing signs of activity, Gagano has to overcome his fears - but also a witch, Santa Claus and second-generation Nazis - to find out that things aren't quite the way he thought.

Producer/director/writer Miguel Llansó, starring Daniel Tadesse, Selam Tesfayie.
Spain/Ethiopia, 2015, 68 mins
UK Premiere

More information about the film can be found on the Crumbs film website.

More information about the film festival can be found on the East End Film Festival website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jun-15

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