The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - Wall Paintings of Tigray, Ethiopia - Approaches to Preserving a Fragile Heritage

Lisa Shekede & Stephen Rickerby

Wednesday 9th September 2015

6:30pm - 8:00pm, The Art Workers' Guild, 6 Queen Square, London WC1N 3AT
Tickets £10 available on door

Cleaning the wall paintings of Bahera The Ethiopian Heritage Fund have organised a talk on the preservation of Ethiopian church wall paintings.

In the early 1990's the walls of Bahera, a 15th century rock hewn church near the town of Hawzien, Tigray, were white washed and the lime based wash was splashed over the wall paintings of saints on the pillars and sanctuary of the church. In 2010 the Ethiopian Heritage Fund arranged for Lisa Shekede and Stephen Rickerby to clean the wall paintings. Bahera is just one of the extraordinary rock hewn churches found in this particular area of Ethiopia.

Photo © Ethiopian Heritage Fund

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jul-15

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