The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Film - Time to look at girls: Migrants in Bangladesh and Ethiopia

Director Marco Speroni

Tuesday 15th March 2016

7:00pm to 9:00pm in Room B102, Brunei Gallery, SOAS, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG.

Produced and researched by: Katarzyna Grabska, Nicoletta Del Franco, Marina de Regt and Felegebirhan Belesti.

Based on research funded by the Swiss Network of International Studies, Girl Effect Ethiopia, Terre des Hommes, University of Sussex, UK and the Feminist Review Trust.

Bangladesh and Ethiopia are two examples of countries where girls' independent migration is on the rise. This film explores the circumstances, decision-making, experiences and consequences of migration for adolescent girls in Bangladesh and Ethiopia. It is based on a research project "Time to look at girls: adolescent girls' migration and development" (January 2014-December 2015), that explores the links between migration of adolescent girls and economic, social and political factors that trigger their movements. It shows the agency and choices being made by adolescent girls in their diverse migration experiences.

Breaking away from the dominant focus on girls as victims of trafficking, this film gives evidence of the resilience, creativity and agency of young migrants girls who faced with difficult choices.

Year: 2015.
Running time: 31 mins.
Language: Bengali/Amharic with English subtitles.

The complete film can be viewed on YouTube.

The screening, organised by the Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, will be followed by a discussion on the issues raised by the film. The speakers are:

Nicoletta Del Franco (PhD Development Studies) is a researcher and development consultant with extensive experience of qualitative research in South Asia (rural and urban Bangladesh in particular) with a focus on class and gender relations; young people and adolescence, the transition to adulthood; education and life aspirations; internal and overseas migration.

Marina de Regt is assistant professor at the department of Social and Cultural Anthropology of Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She is a social anthropologist who has worked on issued related to domestic work and migration in Yemen and Ethiopia.

Katarzyna Grabska (PhD) is a social anthropologist currently a research fellow in the Global Migration Centre at the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID) in Geneva. She is a principal researcher for the Swiss Network of International Studies funded project entitled "Time to look at girls: adolescent girls' migration", with fieldwork in Sudan.

Felegebirhan Belesti has a Masters in Human Rights from Addis Ababa University and is currently doing his Master Migration, Mobility and Development at SOAS. He worked as a consultant on various research projects about migration in Ethiopia, including the adolescent girls migration project.

More information can be found on the SOAS website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Feb-16

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