The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Seminar - Tracking rural communities since 1994 - evidence from EthiopiaWIDE


Tuesday 1st November 2016

10:00am at the Oxford Quaker Meeting House, 43 St Giles, Oxford OX1 3LW.

Over the past twenty years, notwithstanding the more tumultuous recent months, observers have witnessed what has been called 'Ethiopia's Great Run' towards development - and its acceleration in the past decade. Reaching behind national level trends, this seminar will explore the dynamics and diversity of long-term change at the level of rural communities, presenting evidence made under a longitudinal research programme conducted in 20 sites up until 2013 ( Focusing on a number of topics that in the course of the research were found of particular relevance for policymakers and practitioners in Ethiopia, the seminar will highlight, through a range of different lenses, the multiple shifts in aspirations, opportunities and surroundings that Ethiopians in rural communities have engineered and experienced in the past two decades; how government policies and programmes have contributed to these shifts; and how this has played out differently for different types of communities, and households and people within them. The seminar will allow a discussion of implications for policy implementation and the design of interventions, in Ethiopia and more widely.

Speakers: Pip Bevan, Catherine Dom, Sarah Vaughan

10.00 Arrival, tea and coffee
10.30 Introduction to EthiopiaWIDE
Changes in the communities as places, as differentiated societies, and for young people
11.30 Discussion
11.50 Changes in livelihood opportunities
Changes in maternal and infant wellbeing
Learning processes in rural communities
12.50 Discussion and Conclusion
13.00 Lunch

Interested participants are requested to register by emailing Zoe Driscoll at Mokoro.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Oct-16

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