The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Fundraising Event - Ethiopian Drought Emergency

Tutu's Ethiopian Table

Saturday 14th May 2016

18:00pm to 23:00pm, Tutu's Table, Global Cafe, 35 London Street, Reading RG1 4PS - Entry £25 for meal and live music.

Millions of people have been affected by the recent drought in Ethiopia and are in need of urgent assistance. Tutu’s Ethiopian Table has organised a fundraising event in aid of the Ethiopian famine. The evening of Ethiopian food, with traditional music from the Dinkinesh Band, is hosted by Tutu Melaku and Andrew, the Bishop of Reading.

Tutu would love all guests to wear Ethiopian traditional clothes. A small prize will be given for the best dressed man and woman.

Tickets can be booked by telephone, 0786 3551097, or by emailing the organiser.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Apr-16

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