The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Film Africa - Screening of 'I Will Not Bear Tomorrow' + Q&A with the Director

Friday 3rd November 2017

Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Town Hall Approach Road, Tottenham Green, London, N15 4RX

7:00pm, Tickets £7.50 including commission. Tickets can be purchased from the Bernie Grant Arts Centre website.

I Will Not Bear Tomorrow

At a time of round-the-clock curfews, government surveillance, and streets littered with the bodies of ‘anti-revolutionaries’, Adugna (played by veteran journalist Berhanu Degafe) vehemently struggles to maintain some normality and train his football team.

When the team’s rising stars are put under surveillance, Adugna’s wife pleads with him to quit his passion and conform, but he knows this would mean forcible recruitment into the government-approved security force.

Based on the book by sports journalist Genene Mekuria, Abraham Gezahegne’s film depicts one of Ethiopia’s darkest moments and uses football as a beacon of hope and distraction from the impounding fear of the Qey Shibir (Red Terror) of 1977-78.

Director: Abraham Gezahagne
Country: Ethiopia
Year: 2016
Running time: 117 mins
Language: Amharic with English subtitles.

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with director Abraham Gezahagne.

More information about the festival can be found on the Film Africa 2017 website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Oct-17

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