The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Showcase - Archaeology of the Dead in Northern Ethiopia

Jacke Phillips

Friday 27th July 2018

Part of Unearthing the Past, a Society of Antiquaries Research Showcase organised by the Society of Antiquaries of London.

The Showcase runs from 14:00 - 20:00 in the Society of Antiquaries, Burlington House, Piccadilly, London W1J 0BD.

The event offers grant recipients the opportunity to present their recent research at Burlington House through table-top displays, talks, and interactive workshops. The aim is to raise public interest in and awareness of history and archaeology by showcasing significant research that the Society of Antiquaries has supported.

The event hould be stimulating, informative and accessible to all ages - bring the whole family along! It also allows members of the public to explore the ground-floor of the historic apartments at Burlington House, learning about how and why the Society of Antiquaries undertake research into the past.

Projects and Participants

Archaeology of the Dead in Northern Ethiopia - meet ceramics expert and project member Dr Jacke Phillips and hear about the team's research into this fascinating topic, with a chance to handle some of the material evidence uncovered.

Lynn Hulse FSA - running interactive embroidery workshops allowing you to get hands-on with the past. Have a go at stitching one of the floral motifs from the bedcover in William Morris's bedroom at Kelmscott Manor, designed by May Morris (William's daughter) in c. 1910.

The Broderers' Crowns - watch videos showing the original crown (one of two embroidered crowns in the possession of the Broderers' Company, dating from the latter half of the 16th century), and the techniques used in its reproduction. A prototype crown will be on display, and there will also be a secondary interactive area where visitors are encouraged to try their hand at historical embroidery.

Old Sarum and its Landscape - explore how the settlements of Old Sarum (the earliest settlement of Salisbury in England) are dated and characterised, with archaeological techniques and finds on show - presented by Dr Alexander Langlands.

Islands of Stone: Excavating the Earliest Crannogs - learn about underwater exploratory excavation with dive videos and explanations, and discover some of the project's amazing finds. Led by Dr Duncan Garrow and Dr Fraser Sturt.

Re-creating Captain James Cook's Waistcoat - take a look at the waistcoat itself (stitched by Elizabeth Cook), as well as a 'map sampler' and various other examples of eighteenth century costume. Talk to Alison Liz Larkin about her ongoing work.

Historical Dress throughout the ages - talk to researcher and maker Professor Nancy Hills (who has travelled all the way from Utah State University!), and view life-size examples of historical dress from the 18th, 19th and 20th century.

Understanding Medieval Fairs - explore and use a specialised database developed to aid our understanding of Medieval commercial activities, as well as archaeological finds and presentations from the research project led by Dr Michael Lewis.

Paramatta: Australia's oldest European burial ground - discover a table-top display with photos and plans of the site, with Professor Harold Mytum on-hand to answer any questions on the project.

Library Tours (18.45 and 19.20)
Guided by Anthony Davis, a Fellow of the Society and a qualified tour guide, visitors will have the opportunity to learn about the oldest antiquarian library in the country and discover some of its greatest treasures. Tickets will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis on the day. Tours will last around 20 minutes.

The Showcase is free to attend, but please register in advance via Eventbrite:

Eventbrite Tickets - Unearthing the Past: Society of Antiquaries Research Showcase

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jul-18

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