The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Studio Visit - Painting in Lalibela

Catherine Chambers

Saturday 21st July 2018

2:30pm to 4:00pm, Studio 12, Whitefriars Studios, Winsor & Newton Building, Whitefriars Avenue, Harrow HA3 5RN (maximum of 10 places).

On Saturday 21 July artist Catherine Chambers is hosting a visit to her studio. Catherine, who has for the last few years been spending as much time as she possibly can living with a family in Lalibela, has had one of her paintings accepted for this year’s Royal Academy of Arts Summer Show. Girma, a portrait of a Lalibela tailor, is hung in the main room, Grayson Perry’s yellow room.

Catherine has kindly agreed to host a studio visit so members can see more of her work and works in progress. It should also be a chance to gossip about Lalibela and the current art scene in Ethiopia.

The visit will start at 2:30pm and, because her studio is quite small, is limited to ten people. The studio is in Harrow, nearest tube/rail Harrow and Wealdstone (Bakerloo Line).

There is no charge for the visit but, as numbers are extremely limited, please book via Eventbrite:

Eventbrite Tickets - Catherine Chambers Studio Visit

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jun-18

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