The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Study Day - REAL Centre Research in Progress Workshop
REAL Centre at the University of Cambridge
Friday 8th June 2018
Registration starts 10:00am in Room GS5, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, 184 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 8PQ.
At this one-day workshop, researchers will present research-in-progress from ongoing REAL Centre projects, including the Africa Education Research Database project; the Ghana Complementary Basic Education project; the Early Learning Partnership for Ethiopia; RISE Ethiopia; TEACh India and Pakistan; and the PAL Network Assessment to Action.
The workshop will provide an opportunity for participants to learn more about the exciting research being conducted within the Centre, and will allow REAL Centre researchers to seek advice and benefit from the expertise of colleagues within the Faculty and beyond.
The event will be followed by drinks and tapas from 6pm onwards at the Cambridge Cookery School Cafe, Purbeck Road, CB2 8EB.
Event Programme: | |
10.00 | Registration |
10.15 | Introduction and Welcome |
10.30 | Session 1 Large-scale education reforms in Ethiopia: an initial attempt at political economy analysis - Padmini Iyer (RISE Ethiopia), What is the role of information on access and assessment in ensuring equitable learning in Ethiopia? - Louise Yorke (RISE Ethiopia) |
11.30 | Coffee break |
12.00 | Session 2 Identifying levers for reform in Ethiopia's early learning system: critical friends needed - Jack Rossiter (Early Learning Partnership, Ethiopia) Assessing children's learning across the attainment spectrum to inform education systems reform: evidence from India and Pakistan - Lydia Whitaker (TEACh India & Pakistan) |
13.00 | Lunch |
14.00 | Session 3 Researching the effectiveness of large, messy and complex interventions - Sonia Ilie (Evaluation of 'Take Your Place') Examining impacts upon learning and challenges in students' transition to formal school - Emma Carter (Ghana Complementary Basic Education) |
15.00 | Coffee break |
15.30 | Session 4 How can assessments improve education? A south-south partnership's efforts to build grassroots change at scale - Ben Alcott (PAL Network Assessment to Action) The landscape of education research in sub-Saharan Africa - Rafael Mitchell & Samuel Asare (Africa Education Research Database Project) Panel discussion: reflections and looking ahead - Pauline Rose, Ricardo Sabates, Nidhi Singal & Ben Alcott |
17.30 | Panel discussion ends |
18.00 onwards | Drinks and tapas - Cambridge Cookery School Cafe, Purbeck Road, CB2 8EB |
The workshop is free to attend, but please register in advance via Eventbrite: