The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Festival - Aida Edemariam - The Wife's Tale

Wigtown Book Festival

Sunday 23rd September 2018

15:00 - 16:00pm in the Main Hall, County Buildings, Wigtown, Dumfries & Galloway, DG8 9JH
Tickets £7

Aida Edemariam discusses The Wife's Tale, her acclaimed book about her Ethiopian grandmother. Aged eight, Yetemengu was married to a clergyman. Her long life spanned Ethiopia’s most tumultuous years, encompassing Fascist occupation, Allied bombardment, Haile Selassie, famine, revolution and civil war. This inspiring, often heartbreaking story, offers a multilayered portrait of a fascinating nation.

Live subtitles, for people with hearing loss, will be provided in association with StageTEXT, supported by the Castansa Trust.

Tickets are available from the Wigtown Book Festival website

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jun-18

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