The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Film - Anbessa followed by Q&A with Felix Horne, Senior Ethiopia and Eritrea researcher for Human Rights Watch

Director Mo Scarpelli

Thursday 21st March 2019

Part of the London Human Rights Watch Film Festival.

20:45, Barbican Cinema 2, Beech Street, London EC2Y 8DS.

Tickets £12 full price, discounts available.


The biggest condominium complex in East Africa, on the outskirts of Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, promises thousands of people a better way of life. It’s being constructed, however, on the farmland of 10-year-old Asalif and his mother, leaving them just a tool shed with no electricity or running water. Anbessa is a lyrical documentary that takes us on a journey of childhood adventures and magical realism as we accompany a creative, sensitive and bold young boy using his imagination and sharp wits to battle forces beyond his control, and escape the stark reality of displacement. Meanwhile, the city is growing around them and new property developers are knocking at their door.

Filmmaker: Mo Scarpelli
Country of Production: Ethiopia Italy USA
Year: 2019
Length: 85mins
Language(s): Amharic with English Subtitles
Genre: Documentary

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Felix Horne, Senior Ethiopia and Eritrea researcher, Human Rights Watch.

Tickets can be booked through the Barbican website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Feb-19

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