The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Music - Azmari Bet featuring Yezina Negash

Selam Le Ethiopia

Friday 20th December 2019

19:00 - late at Habesha Lounge (formerly known as Dahlak), 256-258 Brixton Road, Brixton, London SW9 6AQ.

Tickets £12.00 (earlybird), £14.00 (advance) + £40.00 for group of 4 tickets, + Eventbrite booking fee.

Selam Le Ethiopia invites you to join her for a night of amazing poetry, drama and live traditional Ethiopian music, as she recreates the experience of an Azmari Bet, a traditional club that you can find hidden away in the back streets of Addis Ababa, where musicians entertain and amuse, and customers come just to drink, eat, dance, chill and get away from the hustle and bustle of life!

One of the highlights of the evening will be Yezina Negash, who will be performing her new song Enamesginachew and her classic hits Gedamu and Tir Tir.

Yezina will be joined by Baby Masinko on the Masinko and Girum Begashaw on the Kebero.

Tickets can be purchased via Eventbrite:

Eventbrite Tickets - Tickets for Azmari Bet featuring Yezina Negash

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Dec-19

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