The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Friday Late - Dark Matter - Elemental

Science Gallery London

Friday 19th July 2019

18:30 – 22:00 at the Science Gallery London, Great Maze Pond, London SE1 9GU - part of Guy's Hospital.

A free Friday Late at the Science Gallery featuring a night of multi-sensory performances and new encounters with matter giving the chance to celebrate the feeling of being part of something much bigger than oneself.

Highlights include:

S (Sulfur) – a new video work by Rachel Pimm and Lori E Allen, performed with a live soundtrack. S is a steam, a smoke, a hiss and a gurgle. This is the story of the alchemical element of sulfur told through the open mouths of volcanoes, fumaroles and geysers in the Danakil Depression of Ethiopia. Earlier this year the artists presented Disintegration at the Whitechapel Gallery, a sound and text based performance work incorporating the geology, archaeology and chemistry of the sulphur-coloured Danakil Depression in Ethiopia.

Is it magma? - Through alchemical experiments with geologists, volcanologists, founders and materials scientists, artist Jo Lathwood shapes and casts molten rock. Feel the heat as she creates real lava and a series of new sculptures in our courtyard.

You, me and everything in between - Find your sensory tribe and explore the invisible forces holding us and the Universe together, with BitterSuite, Mosaic Clubhouse and a group of young creators.

Friday Lates at Science Gallery London are a chance to explore the gallery after hours, enjoy a drink and bite to eat, and discover talks, workshops, performances and music brought to you by inspiring artists and researchers. This event is part of DARK MATTER: 95% of the Universe is Missing, a free exhibition and events programme at Science Gallery London imagining the unseen and questioning the invisible through art, physics and philosophy.

Tickets for the event are free but places must be booked through Eventbrite:

Eventbrite Tickets - DARK MATTER Friday Late: Elemental

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Jul-19

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