The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Seminar - Ethiopia in Global Intellectual History (1901-1919)

Sara Marzagora

Wednesday 16th January 2019

LSE International History Research Seminar

Lent Term 2018-2019

Session VI

16:00 – 18:00, London School of Economics and Political Science, Room 03 (32L.LG.03), Lower Ground Floor, 32 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London WC2A 3P.

The seminar will be followed by drinks at the Olde White Horse pub in St Clements Lane.

Dr Sara Marzagora (SOAS): Ethiopia in Global Intellectual History (1901-1919)

Dr Sara Marzagora is an intellectual historian of Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa. She has published articles on Amharic historiography, Amharic print culture and Ethiopian political thought, and is completing a book manuscript on Ethiopian conceptualisations of the "global" in the first half of the twentieth century. She is currently a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at SOAS University of London, where she is leading the Horn of Africa strand of a research project on global intellectual history and world literature.

Dr Darragh Gannon (Queen's University Belfast): The Republic of Letters: Ireland and the World, 1919-1923

Dr Darragh Gannon is Research Fellow to the AHRC-funded 'A global history of Irish Revolution, 1916-1923' project, at Queen's University Belfast. This project, in collaboration with the University of Edinburgh, explores the global impacts of, and influences on, Ireland's revolution between 1916 Rising and Ireland's entry into the League of Nations (1923), through archival research in Africa, Australasia, and the Americas. He is currently preparing a monograph for publication, entitled: Worlds of Revolution: a global history of Ireland, 1916-1923.

Chair: Hamish McDougall (LSE)

Tickets for the lectures are free and can be booked through Eventbrite (booking opens 1 January 2019):

Eventbrite Tickets - Ethiopia in Global Intellectual History (1901-1919) - lecture by Sara Marzagora

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Dec-18

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