The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Seminar - NCDs - the biggest challenge in the quest for Universal Health Coverage

Global Health Research Institute

Thursday 28th February 2019

17:30 – 20:30, Murray Building (Building 58), Lecture Room 1067, 59 Salisbury Road, Southampton SO17 1TW.

Join the Global Health Research Institute and The Wessex Global Health Network for their February Café to focus on work being carried out in Ethiopia on how to tackle the problem of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in rural communities. This may be one of the greatest problems in the question for universal health coverage.

Guest speakers include:

Professor David Phillips, Honorary Consultant and Clinical Researcher in Endocrinology and Diabetes. He has a research background in diabetes and various endocrine diseases; and for many years led a research group investigating the links between early growth or development and subsequent metabolic and cardiovascular disease in adult life. David has been working on the Chronic NCD Programme in Ethiopia for the past nine years; focusing on the problems of diabetes and rheumatic heart disease.

Dr Susie Lewis, Consultant cardiologist at Salisbury District Hospital. Susie has a specialist interest in echocardiography; and recently developed a 5 day course in cardiology and echocardiography for generalist doctors in Ethiopia. She has an interest in rheumatic heart disease and the changing pattern of heart disease in rural Africa.

Professor Dan Levene, Professor of Semitics and the History of Religion. Specialising in popular beliefs, especially to do with healing in the Near East and East Africa, Dan has been contributing to work in Ethiopia on NCD patients "lost to follow up." In their search for a cure these patients prefer the care of indigenous practitioners frequenting some of the many reputed healing sites in Ethiopia. His aim is to help reduce the high percentage of defaulters by developing a better understanding of Ethiopians' beliefs and expectations and incorporating this into clinical care.

The session will be chaired by Dr Andrew Mortimore, Visiting Fellow at the University of Southampton and former Director of Public Health. Having previously lived and worked in sub-Saharan Africa for ten years, Andrew is working on how the impact of NCD programmes can be maximised using public health approaches. As well as focusing on preventing the increasing burden of NCDs in Ethiopia he has a particularly interest in exploring how NCDs are understood by individuals, their families and communities, and how behavioural insight work can lead to more appropriate service delivery models, better uptake and higher adherence to treatment.

17:30-18:00 | Registration, refreshments & networking
18:00-19:30 | Individual presentations
19:30-20:00 | Panel session

Tickets for the seminar are free and can be booked through Eventbrite:

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing Feb-19

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