The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Celebration - ReConnect at UCL: World Refugee Week Event and Award Ceremony

Jay Derrick

Wednesday 19th June 2019

17:00 – 20:00, UCL Institute of Education (IOE), 20 Bedford Way, London, WC1H 0AL

An evening to celebrate World Refugee Week, to recognise the achievements of refugee students sponsored by ReConnect at UCL Institute of Education, with poetry and music and a live performance from The Krar Collective from Ethiopia.

The event is organised by Jay Derrick to highlight the work of ReConnect, who support unemployed and underemployed Refugees to gain mainstream teaching qualifications at UCL Institute of Education, to help them to realise their potential and become active participants within the UK and in their countries of origin or developing countries.

The event is free but registration should be made via Eventbrite:

Eventbrite Tickets - ReConnect at UCL: World Refugee Week Event and Award Ceremony

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing May-19

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