The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Study Day - Ethiopian Orthodox Christianity: Authority and Heterodoxy
Cressida Marcus
Saturday 29th February 2020
10.30am - 4.00pm, St Theosevia House, 2 Canterbury Road, Oxford OX2 6LU
Study day free for students with card. Non-students £5 (on door). No booking needed, just come, for all or part of the day. Lunch break 1-2 pm (please provide your own lunch).
Speakers: Dr Wolde Tadesse, Rev Dr John Binns, Dr Diego Malara, Marta Camilla Wright, Kieran Dodds, Cressida Marcus
In Heirotopia, Ethiopia's Holy Forests, filmed from an aerial, angel's eye view, photographer Keiran Dodds shows us islands of ancient woodland in a denuded land, each protected by a church at its centre. Wolde Tadesse delves into the history of this rural ecclesiastical landscape. John Binns explores how theology is done and transmitted in the oral tradition. Marta Camilla Wright shares her doctoral work on the use of varying kinds of holy water in healing processes, within and outside Orthodox confines - an interest shared by Dr Diego Malara. Cressida Marcus brings the latest news from the churches of Gondar.