The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Radio Programme - Abraham Hannibal - The Raiders of the Sands and The Battle for the Throne read by Maynard Eziashi
BBC Radio 7
From Monday 2nd October 2006 to Saturday 7th October 2006
From Monday 2nd to Saturday 7th October, the BBC 7 children's programme The Big Toe Radio Show is broadcasting daily instalments of Abraham Hannibal and the Raiders of the Sands and Abraham Hannibal and the Battle for the Throne by Frances Somers Cocks, read by Maynard Eziashi.
The two books tell the thrilling adventures, based on fact, of an African boy, Abraham Hannibal or 'Gannibal', who was captured as a slave and ended up in far-away Russia. Here he became rich, famous, and a general in the army - and the ancestor of "the Russian Shakespeare", Alexander Pushkin.
Two episodes will be broadcast from 4.00 to 4.30 pm every day, except on Saturday, when four episodes will be broadcast, spread out between 4.00 and 6.00 pm.
You can find BBC 7 on:
Freeview channel 708Or you can listen to the show directly from your computer via the Radio 7 website.
Digital satellite channel 0131
ntl: home channel 866
Telwest channel 910
You should eventually be able to download all of the episodes directly from the Big Toe book page.