The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Mouthful of Africa - Word from Africa theatre production

Thursday 7th June 2007

Starts 7 pm at the Oxford House Theatre, Derbyshire Street, London E2 6HG
Nearest tube: Bethnal Green

'A Mouthful of Africa' is a collaborative theatre production focusing on stories of African political, social and edible food. The African exiled writer/performers portray the ambivalent imagery of memories of home food and yearning in the place of exile. Their concerns of the personal interact with the political significance of food in areas disrupted by war and migration, with edible food being an integral part of the production!

There will be post-performance discussion and an opportunity to enjoy an African buffet.

The exiled writers and poets are:
Handsen Chikowore, Shona speaking poet from Zimbabwe,
Shereen Pandit, journalist and prize-winning fiction writer from South Africa,
Said Hussein, Somali story-teller and translator,
Tsehay Alemayehu from Ethiopia, who writes fiction in both Amharic and English.

Producer: Isabelle Romaine Director: Ernst Fischer

Cost: £10 to include food and £5 concessions.
Please book in advance by sending a cheque made payable to Exiled Writers Ink at 31 Hallswelle Road, London NW11 0DH

More details at the Exiled Writers Ink website.

Anglo-Ethiopian Society Web Listing May-07

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