The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Conference - Anglo-Ethiopian Society Summer Conference

organised by Dorothea McEwan and David Jackson

Saturday 18th September 2010

10:30am to 4.15pm, Room G3 (Main Building), SOAS

The Anglo-Ethiopian Society is holding a one-day conference on Saturday 18 September to present some recent Ethiopian research papers:

Anne Parsons will report on the contemporary use of natural resources by painters in the Aksum area.
Dorothea McEwan will evaluate Georg Wilhelm Schimper’s botanical, topographical and mineralogical research papers of Tigre which are located in the British Library.
Jacke Phillips will present an initial typology of mediaeval Ethiopian ceramic and other vessels, as represented in paintings and other sources.
Unfortunately Jacke Phillips is no longer able to attend so Tania Tribe will now be presenting this paper.
Helen Papworth will give a brief history of illustrated children’s literature for Ethiopian children.
Tania Tribe will describe Kingship building and narrative strategies in Ethiopian art.

A full timetable and abstracts of all the presentations can be downloaded as a pdf file: Conference_Programme.pdf.

Tea and coffee will be provided, but participants will need to make their own lunch arrangements.

A fee of £10 will be charged for attending the conference. Please book by Thursday 9 September so that we can organise the refreshments.
Make all cheques payable to The Anglo-Ethiopian Society and send, with your contact details, to:

Anglo-Ethiopian Society
36 Florence Road
London SE14 6TW

Please email if you require any further details.

Neither the Anglo-Ethiopian Society, nor any of the organisers of this conference, can be held responsible for any changes which might arise in connection with the venue, date or content of the event.

First Published in News File Spring 2010

Opinions expressed in the articles are those of the authors and not necessarily the views of the Society.
Information is offered in good faith but the Society does not warrant the status or reliability of the information contained.

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