The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Lecture - 'OMO'- Change in the Valley
Matilda Temperley
Thursday 8th September 2016
7:00pm, Room B102, Brunei Building, SOAS, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG - Public lecture (all welcome)
For thousands of years the Omo Valley in Ethiopia and the neighbouring Lake Turkana basin have been a crossroads of human migration. Like most photographers, Matilda was drawn to the Omo Valley not by its landscape, but by these inhabitants. The ochre-skinned Hamer, the lip-plated Suri and Mursi, and the painted Karo amongst them. However, since her first visit to the Omo Valley in 2007, she has witnessed a change in both the people and the landscape. While modernisation is inevitable, in the Omo it appears to be at the expense of the inhabitants rather than at their hands.
Matilda's presentation will be on the people and changes in the Valley over the time she has been visiting it. It will be accompanied by a book that she has recently published.
Matilda Temperley is an award winning photographer who divides her time between her commercial work and her personal work. Her personal work is inspired by marginalised societies.
Capacity at the venue is limited, so please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.