The Anglo-Ethiopian Society
Lecture - Industrial Parks in Ethiopia
Lindsay Whitfield
Friday 15th December 2017
7:00pm, Room B102, Brunei Gallery, SOAS, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG - Public lecture (all welcome)
Dr Lindsay Whitfield is Associate Professor in the Department of Social Sciences and Business at Roskilde University in Denmark, and Leader of the Center of African Economies. She is author and editor of several books on African politics and economies, including The Politics of African Industrial Policy: A comparative perspective (Cambridge Univrsity Press, 2015), She is currently joint editor of the journal African Affairs, and is leading the research project ‘African-owned firms building capabilities in global value chains’ (
This talk will focus on the development of Industrial Parks in Ethiopia, their work force, and potential contributions to regional and national economic development.
Capacity at the venue is limited, so please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.