The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - A Celebration and Commemoration of Ethiopian Studies at SOAS

Various Speakers

Thursday 19th July 2018

7:00pm, Djam Lecture Theatre, Main Building, SOAS, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG - Public lecture (all welcome)

SOAS was founded in 1916 and established itself as the School of Oriental and African Studies in 1938. Since its early founding it has promoted and cultivated scholarly interest in the peoples and cultures of the Horn of Africa. Beginning with studies of the languages and religious traditions of Ethiopia, programs have expanded to cover ancient, medieval and modern history, anthropology and archaeology, studies of the various languages of Ethiopia, studies of law and legal systems, religious faiths of Ethiopia, development studies, and film and cultural studies amongst others. A number of prominent Ethiopian linguists, historians and social scientists have studied at SOAS and contributed to the shaping and making of the International Conference of Ethiopian Studies, which takes place in Ethiopia and around the world every three years. Scholars from other countries have also studied and taught at SOAS and engage with Ethiopian universities on a number of research and development projects. The SOAS library is also internationally renowned for important resources pertaining to Ethiopian studies and is regularly visited by scholars from around the world.

The Anglo-Ethiopian Society is affiliated to the University of London’s Centre of African Studies (CAS) based at SOAS. All of our events at SOAS are co-hosted with CAS and the Society gratefully acknowledges the support of CAS and SOAS in providing rooms for our events.

Please join us to reflect on and celebrate this long history, to share your own experiences of being a student, teaching or other engagement with SOAS and to commemorate the various important contributions to the ever-emerging fields of Ethiopian Studies.

Panel Discussant presenters will include:
Paul Asquith: African Foundation for Development and SOAS Research fellow
Geoffrey Ben-Nathan: former student (Social Anthropology)
Dr Laura Hammond: Head of Development Studies SOAS
Dr Angela Raven-Roberts: former student and Research Associate, International Gender Studies Centre Oxford

Capacity at the venue is limited, so please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.

Eventbrite Tickets - A Celebration and Commemoration of Ethiopian Studies at SOAS - Lecture by various speakers

First Published in News File Winter 2017

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Information is offered in good faith but the Society does not warrant the status or reliability of the information contained.

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