The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - The Enigma of Ethiopia's Hairy Kings

Manuel João Ramos

Thursday 21st February 2019

7:00pm, Room B103, Brunei Building, SOAS, Russell Square, London WC1H 0XG - Public lecture (all welcome)

The study of Northern Ethiopian cultural traditions has historically been devalued, but they are a rich and extremely varied counterpoint to written accounts. This lecture will highlight the advantages of confronting oral legends with written, iconographic and architectural testimonies to better grasp the political and religious crises that affected the Ethiopian kingdom in the first half of the 17th century.

Manuel João Ramos was born 1960 in Lisbon, Portugal. He is Associate Professor at the Dept. of Anthropology at ISCTE - University Institute of Lisbon, and the head of Lisbon's Central Library of African Studies.

Capacity at the venue is limited, so please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.

Eventbrite Tickets - The Enigma of Ethiopia's Hairy Kings - Lecture by Manuel João Ramos

First Published in News File Winter 2018

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