The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - ONLINE - Tales from Lalibela

Laurence Impey and Catherine Chambers

Tuesday 21st July 2020

Online event starting at 19:00 BST - Public lecture (all welcome to join).

Note - Register for the event on Eventbrite and you'll be emailed a Zoom link shortly before the event.

Laurence Impey worked as a volunteer English teacher for three months in Lalibela between November 2016 and February 2017. On his return he published a small book documenting his trip, Abyssinia Revisited: Letters from Lalibela.

Catherine Chambers is a London based artist who makes frequent trips to Lalibela to document the life of some of the locals. Many of her paintings are of the family she stays with. Her portrait of Girma, a friend from Lalibela, was selected as part of the Royal Academy of Arts Summer Show in 2018.

The tales will be mostly about living, and working, in Lalibela so there won’t be much discussion about the churches. Anne Parsons, who has been travelling to Lalibela since 1995, will be moderating the discussion.

More of Catherine's work can be seen on her Instagram account.

Abyssinia Revisited: Letters from Lalibela by Laurence Impey.
Publisher : Iam Self-Publishing, May 2019
ISBN : 9781913036775 (paperback)
List Price: £6.99

Please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.

Eventbrite Tickets - Tales from Lalibela - Lecture by Laurence Impey and Catherine chambers

First Published in News File Spring 2020

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