The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Book Club - ONLINE - Noises After Dark: Memoirs of a Doctor in East Africa

John Tomlinson

Tuesday 11th June 2024

Online event starting at 19:00 BST - Public event (all welcome to join).

Note - Register for the event on Eventbrite and you'll be emailed a Zoom link shortly before the event.

For this book club we're going to discuss Noises After Dark: Memoirs of a Doctor in East Africa by John Tomlinson.

Moved by the devastating media coverage of the humanitarian crisis in Ethiopia in 1985, John Tomlinson packed his bags to volunteer for the Save the Children Fund with the intent to help rebuild, and run, a small hospital in a Northern Somali town on the border with Ethiopia. However, faced with diminishing supplies, poorly trained staff and murmurs of civil unrest, the enormity of the task soon became clear. When the actions of a resentful colleague led to his wrongful imprisonment and the escalation of ongoing tribal conflicts drew ever closer, the safety of his staff and himself became increasingly compromised.

Set in the context of a country that is not yet at peace, Noises After Dark offers first-hand experiences of historical events, and pays tribute to the unsung heroes working in conflict zones back then and today. Proving that humour and heart can still be found in the darkest of places, John's memoir reveals the truth, both good and bad, behind the news stories and ultimately how his time there led to his realisation that health is not only about health care.

Book a place using Eventbrite in order to be sent a link to the session. More registration details are on the Eventbrite page.

Eventbrite Tickets - Bookclub - Noises After Dark: Memoirs of a Doctor in East Africa by John Tomlinson

Noises After Dark cover Noises After Dark: Memoirs of a Doctor in East Africa by John Tomlinson

Publisher : Matador, 2023
ISBN : 9781803137070 (paperback)
UK RRP £9.99

First Published in News File Winter 2023

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