The Anglo-Ethiopian Society

Lecture - HYBRID - The Abiy Project: God, Power and War in the New Ethiopia

Tom Gardner

Thursday 29th August 2024

18:30 BST, Ethiopian Community in Britain, 2a Lithos Road, London NW3 6EF - Public event (all welcome)

With the event also being broadcast online, starting at about 19:00 BST

Tom Gardner, an Africa correspondent for The Economist, talks about his first book, The Abiy Project: God, Power and War in the New Ethiopia, the story of Africa's most controversial living leader, and a chronicle of the most tumultuous years in recent Ethiopian history.

In 2018, Ethiopia and the world were in the throes of ‘Abiymania’, a fervour of popular support for the divided country’s young, charismatic new prime minister. Arriving as if from nowhere, Abiy Ahmed, a Pentecostal Christian, promised democratic salvation and national unity. For his role brokering a historic peace with neighbouring Eritrea, he received the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize. Hailed at home as a prophet and abroad as a liberal reformer, Abiy was all things to all men.

But his democratic revolution wasn’t quite what it seemed. Within two years, Ethiopia had lurched into a devastating civil war, threatening state collapse. By 2023, fighting on an apocalyptic scale had killed hundreds of thousands in the northern Tigray region; famine stalked the land; and Ethiopia’s once-promising economy lay in tatters. But Abiy had never looked stronger.

Based on hundreds of interviews with Ethiopians of all persuasions, and extensive reporting across the country, this book traces the fading hope of Ethiopia’s transition, unravelling the paradoxes of an enigmatic world leader. Despite everything, Abiy remains in power, embodying the new Ethiopia in all its contradiction, triumph and tragedy. But his attempt to remould the country in his image almost broke it—and may break it still.

Tom Gardner moved to Addis Ababa in 2016 as The Economist’s Horn of Africa Correspondent. He covered Ethiopia during its most tumultuous years in decades, travelling to all corners of the country before his expulsion by the Abiy Ahmed government at the height of the Tigray war in 2022. Since 2024 he has been The Economist’s Africa Correspondent based in Nairobi.

Please reserve your place soon to avoid disappointment.

Eventbrite Tickets - The Abiy Project: God, Power and War in the New Ethiopia by Tom Gardner

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Eventbrite Tickets - The Abiy Project: God, Power and War in the New Ethiopia by Tom Gardner - Online Event

Greater Tigray and the Mysterious Magnetism of Ethiopia book The Abiy Project: God, Power and War in the New Ethiopia by Tom Gardner

Publisher: Hurst, 20 June 2024
ISBN: 9781911723103 (hardback)
UK RRP £30

First Published in News File Spring 2024

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